On Thursday, August 3, when President William Ruto was launching Kenya’s inaugural virtual University in Machakos County, a thirty-five-year-old high flying career lady received a special mention on the podium.
While acknowledging individuals who tirelessly worked behind the scenes towards the success of the Open University of Kenya, Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior pinpointed one June Chepkemei.
“There is a young lady whom I must recognize. June Chepkemei, are you here? She is the second person I want to recognize for the work they did including ensuring the title deed for these five thousand acres is securely in the hands of Konza,” remarked the governor.
At only 35, June Chepkemei has built an enviable portfolio and stands tall among her peers.
Investment, Trade, and Industry Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria appointed Chepkemei on January 31, 2023, as the Acting, Managing Director, of Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest).
KenInvest’s mandate is to facilitate the implementation of new investment projects, provide after-care services for new and existing investments, as well as organizing investment promotion activities both locally and internationally.
Prior to joining KenInvest, she was the Head of Marketing & Corporate Communications at Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA).
June was also the Project Coordinator for Kenya Advance Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) under the Ministry of ICT & Digital Economy in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MoE).
In addition, she pioneered the Konza Innovation Ecosystem Initiative that brings together stakeholders to support the commercialization of Research, Innovation, and enterprise solutions.
Notably, the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP) voted the initiative as third most inspiring solution.
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Before joining KoTDA, June was the Communications Business Partner at Safaricom Limited having worked for 6 years.
June was appointed to the Taskforce on the Kenya Media Policy Guidelines and was named among the Top 25 Women in Digital 2021.
June Chepkemei Education
She holds a master’s degree in communications studies from Moi University.
Additionally, Chepkemei has a bachelor’s Degree in PR & Communications, Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Marketing, from The Chartered Institute of Marketing UK.
Also, she has an Executive training program on Innovation from Stanford Centre for Professional Development.
Also Read: Ruto Launches Mama Mboga University
June Chepkemei Professional Membership
Further, Chepkemei is a member of Public Relations society of Kenya and Women chapter of the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of innovation (IASP).
In addition, she is an affiliate member of The Charted Institute of Marketing (CIM).
In 2022, June successfully led Kenya’s team in a fruitful bid to host the 41st International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP) world conference slated for 2024.
She was also part of the team that delivered Technology and Innovation Jamhuri in 2022.