Parents of students at Jonathan Gloag Academy in Lang’ata, Nairobi, brought activities to a stop on Tuesday, April 2, as they flooded the school premises in large numbers demanding removal of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
A video seen by The Kenya Times depicted a substantial turnout of discontented parents and guardians participating in the demonstration within the school compound.
Their protest stemmed from the purported establishment of the position of CEO within the school, currently occupied by Mr. Collins Oywera.
The impassioned protesters, brandishing placards, and chanting slogans expressed their grievances regarding what they perceived as an irregular creation of a leadership role within the institution.
Parents Demand Removal of CEO
The parents echoed sentiments of frustration, as they asserted their right to have their voices heard.
Furthermore, the protesting parents said the purported creation of the new post has resulted in the erosion of powers traditionally vested in the headteacher.
They emphasized that they had fulfilled their obligation by paying the school fees for their children further underscoring the importance of their demands being acknowledged and addressed with appropriate action.
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Police officers, alerted to the situation, swiftly arrived at the scene and endeavored to pacify the gathered parents in front of the school offices.
During the demonstration, parents at Jonathan Gloag Academy were heard chanting slogans such as “Collins must go,” to signal their dissatisfaction.
Their chants included “Our money, No Mulema no School,” indicated a broader demand for accountability and effective governance.
Storming of Schools
February 14, 2024, parents and students of St. Philips Rateti Secondary School in Nyamaiya ward Nyamira County staged protest over the transfer of the school’s Principal Bernard Muloti.
They stormed the school to express their dissatisfaction over the unnecessary transfer of the school’s head but were contained by the police who had already arrived at the institution.
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Similarly, on January 10, 2024, parents of Tinet primary school in Eldama Ravine, Baringo County stormed the institution in protest over poor performance.
The mob, who were frustrated by the low marks posted by learners in the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exams locked the school gate, the head teacher’s office and staffroom on Monday morning.
During the same month, furious parents in Kakamega County ejected the principal from his office.
They came in droves, some on motorbikes and some on foot, storming St Gabriel Isongo Secondary in Mumias East their mission behind to eject the principal from the school.
Furthermore, the angry mob accused the principal of failing to uphold the school’s academic standards.