Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu has unveiled a new tracking system dubbed the Kenya Education Management System (KEMIS).
This web-based platform promises to centralize and harmonize education data, providing a comprehensive and accurate source of information on learners from early grade levels to university education.
Machogu unveiled the new system at a stakeholder forum held at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) on July 3, 2024.
KEMIS is designed to integrate data from several existing management systems, including the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS), the Technical Vocational Education Management Information System (TVET-MIS), and the Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS).
Machogu on the New System
According to a dispatch from the Ministry of Education, KEMIS will create a unified platform that tracks the progress of learners from pre-primary through primary and secondary education, and into middle-level colleges and universities.
Additionally, this initiative aims to address the challenges of data fragmentation and inconsistencies that have plagued the education sector for years.
The launch of KEMIS comes at a time when there is a growing need for reliable data to inform policy decisions and drive educational reforms.
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The Ministry of Education hopes that this new system will pave the way for a more cohesive and data-driven approach to managing the country’s education system.
The Kenya Education Management Information System (KEMIS) is an integrated platform launched by the Ministry of Education to enhance the management of educational data across Kenyan schools.
KEMIS centralizes comprehensive data on students, school performance, curriculum documents, and more, serving as a crucial tool for decision-making, policy development, and monitoring educational progress.
To use KEMIS, users need valid login credentials, including a unique username and a secure password.
How to Register
These credentials are issued during the registration process and must be kept confidential to maintain data security.
To log in to KEMIS, users first need to register for an account.
In addition, the registration process requires personal and school-related information, such as name, email address, school name, and role within the education system.
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Upon completing registration, users receive their login credentials via email or SMS. They can then log in by opening a web browser and navigating to the official KEMIS website.
Importance of KEMIS
KEMIS plays a vital role in managing student profiles and facilitating communication between teachers, parents, and administrators, which is crucial for student success.
The system allows users to send messages, announcements, or notifications to specific individuals or groups, ensuring everyone stays informed and connected.
Additionally, teachers can upload student reports, assessments, and assignments directly onto the system, which parents can access in real-time through their accounts, providing them with up-to-date information on their child’s academic progress.
As KEMIS is implemented, stakeholders from various levels of the education sector will continue to be involved in refining and optimizing the system to meet the diverse needs of learners and educators across Kenya.
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