Drama unfolded at the Milimani High Court on Thursday afternoon after activists started protesting in the court chambers while demanding the arrest of acting Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli.
The activists who were demanding Masengeli’s arrest over the case of two missing brothers from Kitengela and an activist forced judge Lawrence Mugambi to retreat to his chambers.
In the video seen by The Kenya Times, the judge was seen writing his ruling when two men, one with a placard and another one started shouting in court, demanding Masengeli’s arrest.
“Where are those people who were taken? Where is the IG to answer to that? Go and arrest the Inspector General don’t come to arrest people here. Where is Bob, where are all the missing persons? We demand the arrest of the IG,” said one of the men.
“It should not be like that; the Law is there to protect the people but now it is protecting criminals and wrong doers how long will this go on in this country? How long will this happen in Kenya?” shouted another man holding a placard as he was being whisked away from the court by police officers.
Following the disruption, security personnel intervened to contain the situation by getting hold of one of the shouting men as judge Mugambi took his file and walked out of the court.
Activists Demanding for Arrest of IG Disrupt Court Session
In the end, the security team contained the situation, and the judge reconvened the court.
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Acting IG Masengeli had been directed to appear in court at 3pm to shed light on the disappearance of the three youth which he failed to.
His legal team told the court that Masengeli is still in Mombasa for a security operation and will proceed to Lamu thereafter.
He requested to have the matter proceed virtually and agreed to be present.
However, the court took issue with his conduct and proceeded to write a brief ruling on the same until it was interrupted by the activists.
This was the fourth time Masengeli has snubbed the court directions.
Also Read: Police IG Slapped with Ultimatum Over Missing Brothers
Masengeli on September 3 failed to honor a Court order over the alleged abduction of two Kitengela brothers and an activist who have been missing for two weeks.
Masengeli Snubs Summon
The Acting IG had been ordered to appear before the judge in person to explain why three men abducted in Kitengela have not been released.
Jamil Longton, Aslam Longton, and activist Brian Njagi were taken by individuals in suits who claimed to be police officers from Nairobi but provided no reason for the arrests.
The new order came following a directive by the Judge on August 23 issued to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and Police on disclosing the whereabouts of the trio after they were allegedly abducted on August 19.
While issuing the order, Judge Mugambi had said that the acting IG should appear in person to explain why the orders of the court were not being complied with. Masengeli had failed to appear on Monday morning.
However, the Attorney General, through state counsel Wanjiku Mwangi, urged the court to allow Masengeli to send a representative.
She claimed that her client also needed to establish from Kitengela Police Station whether the three had been arrested or not. She requested for three days.
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