Drama unfolded in Meru as five pupils from Meru Primary School fainted after police hurled teargas at anti-Kawira Mwangaza protesters.
According to preliminary reports, the police lobbed teargas in their school which in turn disrupted learning.
In a video seen by The Kenya Times on August 30, the protestors carrying canes and placards were seen running from police who were out to disperse them.
Meanwhile- at the school, first responders were seen carrying a student believed to be affected by the fumes from the teargas to an ambulance that had just arrived at the school.
Further reports reveal that there was a clash between two groups of protestors with one opposing Mwangaza’s return to office while others were in support.
Following the incident, the school’s headteacher, Eva Gichuru, condemned the incident while confirming that approximately four teargas canisters were thrown into the institution, shattering classroom windows.
“Everyone has shed tears, they were about four, one penetrated through to the classrooms, while the pupils were inside, the other broke the windows at the back and others at the front but it was accidentally,” she revealed.
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Police Lob Teargas in School
Additionally, she stated that the protestors sought refuge in the school during the commotion by jumping over the fence and gaining access to the school.
“When they threw the teargas, there are some who jumped over the fence and entered the school, which was bad,” she stated.
Despite the incident, the protestors vowed to keep up with the protests until Mwangaza leaves office as she had nothing to show for the two years she was in power.
“We will protest until she leaves office. She must go. We don’t want her., we’re tired of her, we have given her two years, but she hasn’t done anything,” one of the protestors remarked.
Also Read: New Twist as Court Gives Orders on Kawira Mwangaza Impeachment
High Courts Orders on Mwangaza Impeachment
The protests in Meru come days after the High court of Kenya issued conservatory order barring the implementation of the resolution of the Senate for removing Meru County Governor Kawira Mwangaza, from Office by way of impeachment.
Justice Bahati Mwamuye said the Petitioner/Applicant shall serve the application and the petition on the respondent immediately and file an Affidavit of Service in that regard.
Further orders require the respondent to file and serve a response to the Application dated August 21, 2024, by the close of business on August 28, 2024.
The Petitioner/Applicant shall file and serve a rejoinder, if necessary, along with written submissions by the close of business on September 4, 2024.
The Senate upheld Mwangaza’s impeachment on grounds of gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, gross misconduct, and abuse of office.