Renowned social media personality Scophine Aoko Otieno, popularly known as Maverick Aoko, has finally revealed the reason for her arrest.
Speaking while still under police custody, Aoko said that police came after her for speaking about a prominent person.
Her exact words were, “Niliongelelea bibi mdogo na mkuu,” translating to ‘I spoke about the younger wife and the big man.’
Additionally, Aoko said that she remains unapologetic for her actions, adding that public figures should accept criticism from members of the public because it is normal.
“That is a matter of public interest. Why would they send 100 police officers to arrest a girl with a phone and intel?” she questioned. “I am not relenting, and I am not backing down.
“If you are a public figure, you are susceptible to scrutiny.”
Lawyers Explain Aoko’s Painful Situation
Following her arrest Aoko, her lawyers Cliff Ombeta and Ivy Ateko revealed new details about her arrest.
In a statement, both lawyers explained that they went to see Aoko at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) headquarters where she was being detained.
Aoko was arrested and detained on Friday, August 16, over alleged controversial posts on her X (formerly Twitter) account.
Further, her arrest followed multiple complaints filed with the police about her posts, according to her lawyer, who did not provide further details.
Maverick Aoko’s Lawyer Explain her Painful Situation
Moreover, the lawyers have stated that the officers refused to release the influencer on bond, saying that they had received orders from their bosses not to do so.
Also, they revealed that Aoko was in extreme pain because she had been denied access to her medication. According to Ombeta, the officers who arrested the influencer refused to allow her to take her medication with her.
“They have refused to release Aoko on police bond on the basis that they have orders from above not to do so. Aoko’s counsel visited her, Aoko is unwell and in a lot of pain. She was prevented from carrying her medication during her arrest,” the statement read in part.
As she awaits her bail hearing scheduled for Monday, August 19, the lawyers noted that they are setting up a paybill for contributions from well-wishers.
“We are currently setting up a paybill in preparation for her bail hearing on Monday,” added the statement.
Also Read: Babu Owino’s Photo with Maverick Aoko Sparks Online Uproar
Details of the Arrest of Maverick Aoko
According to Aoko’s aid, DCI officers stormed her home with more than three Subaru vehicle, they arrested her and seized her electronic devices.
“They ransacked her house, seized her electronics (phones, laptop) without justification. She is still detained without a valid reason. Absolute abuse of power,” reads part of the post by Aoko’s aid.
After Aoko’s arrest, Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino said he visited her at the DCI headquarters and described the charges against her as “vexatious, frivolous, fickle, and limping”.
Earlier, lawyer Cliff Ombeta alleged that Aoko had been denied legal counsel, and that his colleague Ivy Ateko Indati, a lawyer, had been denied access to her client at the Muthaiga police station.
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