As the holiday season arrives, the spirit of festivity sweeps through communities, bringing friends and families together in joyful celebration for Christmas and New Year.
Whether its traditional games passed down through generations or new activities that bring a fresh twist, these festive pastimes create lasting memories and joyful connections.
From lively board games by the fire to outdoor competitions that spark friendly rivalries, there’s little something for everyone to enjoy.
In this article, we discuss the games and activities that make each celebration truly unforgettable!
1.Best Gift, Worst Gift Guessing Game
The rules of this game are very simple, and it can be played by everyone despite their age bracket.
Everyone picks four pieces of paper and writes two best and two worst gifts.
For each, one should be real and the other one fake. The papers are then put in bowl and the players guess pull them out guessing whether they are real or fake.
It is one player at a time, when one’s gift is pulled out, he/she will say whether the other player has guessed correctly or not.
2.Blindfolded Christmas Drawing or Painting
In this game, a player is blindfolded and asked to either draw or paint a craft.
The competitors are given time to complete the task. Afterwards, the group will rank the drawings or crafts.
There should be a reward for the winner and the runners-up to make it competitive.
3.Name That Tune
This is another easy festive game. All you need is someone with a phone who has all the great Christmas tunes or even particular type of music and a DJ.
The DJ will play the tunes, and the players take turns to guess the festive songs.
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4.Who Am I?
Here, the players try to guess the names of certain popular individuals.
There should be a referee who writes the descriptions of these individuals in pieces of paper or cards.
The players pick a card at intervals, and they guess the identity of the individual.
5.Never Have I Ever
This was very popular in the Ellen talk show hosted by Ellen DeGeneres.
Here, the players are asked if they have never done a particular card, and they respond by raising either the YES or NO side of a board.
The question can be something like “Never have I ever gifted my friend with a cheap present”.
However, some of the questions might not be meant for kids.
6.Christmas Pictionary
This game is a great way to get creative and laugh. The players are divided into two groups which compete against each other.
Write down Christmas-related items or actions on pieces of paper.
Split into two teams and have players draw the prompt while their teammates guess.
Keep track of the points, and the team with the most correct guesses wins.
7.Two Truths and a Lie
This is a popular game where one person makes three statements, and everyone else tries to guess which is true and which is false.
During the festive season the game can be twisted to make all the statements related to Christmas.
8.Festive Dance Challenge
In this game, everyone selects a Christmas tune and dances to the tune.
There should be a judge to determine the winners and a Christmas-themed prize for the dance-off winner.
Also Read: 6 Safety Tips During the Festive Season
9.Christmas Movie Game
This games tests knowledge of movies watched and is among the good games for adults, families and friends.
Participants write actual movie quotes in pieces of paper and the other people try to guess the name of the movie.
Each team or player must give their best guess to the questions until one gets the correct answer.
10.The Santa Claus Hat Game
This game can be played alongside the other games. When the game begins, each player gets a Santa Claus hat to wear.
One person is picked as the leader and tasked to remove their hat at one point.
When the leader removes their hat, each player must quickly notice and take off their own hat to avoid being the last one wearing the Santa hat.
Instead of winning, the last person with the hat loses!
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