Friday, February 14, 2025

Inspiring Story of Talented Man Without Hands, Who Moved Crowd During KDF Celebrations 

A talented man abled differently who is a Gospel Musician, Motivational Speaker, Portrait Artist and LG NanoTv Influencer moved the crowd at the Kenya Defense Forces Celebrations Day on October 14, 2024. In a statement posted on social media on October 21, the Minister of Defense Soipan Tuya, narrated Sammy Brayo’s unique capabilities and his moving story despite being differently abled.

Tuya highlighted that Sammy has not allowed any obstacle to hold him back. His journey is one of breaking barriers and defying the odds to achieve his dreams.

“A young man whose story deeply moved and motivated me. He was one of our guest artists during the KDF Day celebrations,” Tuya further narrated.

Moreover, she revealed that each one of us walks a unique path, and within that uniqueness lies the incredible power to inspire and uplift others. She went on to add that our diversity and challenges should never inhibit us, instead, they should ignite our drive to always soldier on and to emerge better.

Sammy Brayo a differently abled Gospel Musician, Motivational Speaker, Portrait Artist and LG NanoTv Influencer with CS Soipan Tuya. Photo/Tuya
Sammy Brayo a differently abled Gospel Musician, Motivational Speaker, Portrait Artist and LG NanoTv Influencer with CS Soipan Tuya. Photo/Tuya

Tuya Describes Sammy’s Busy Schedule

At the same time, Tuya described Sammy’s busy schedule as a speaker, journalist, gospel musician, content creator, and painter. She marvelled at how he could meet each challenge with courage and resilience.

Furthermore, she recounted that his tenacity is a powerful reminder that adversity should be faced, head-on, a mindset we all should endeavour to embrace. 

Moreover, she quoted from the Bible, in 2 Chronicles 20:17, as she referred to Sammy. The bible verse read, “Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you.”

Tuya affirmed that Sammy Bayo is living proof that our uniqueness is not a limitation but a strength. She asserted that by staying focused on our goals, we will not only succeed in the pursuit of our dreams, but we never know who we might inspire or whose life we might touch and change along the way.

“In witnessing Sammy’s journey, I am reminded once again that truly, disability is not inability,’’ she affirmed.

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Artist Sammy Brayo

Sammy Brayo’s inspiring story has been in the spotlight for quite a while. Sammy has undergone various interviews with various media houses including the Churchill Show where he has shared various aspects of his life.

In a past interview with NTV Brayo highlighted that his lowest moments were the time he realized he was born without hands.

Further, he hinted at how difficult it was to live in a neighbourhood where people did not understand what he was going through.

“My darkest point was when I realized I was born differently. As a young boy, when the children in the neighbourhood would refer to me as a boy without hands,” Brayo said during the interview.

He further added, “At that time, it was hard for me because I never understood my purpose,” narrated Brayo.

Brayo had to depend on his legs to write and do various activities including ironing. The condition made him question God some time back.

However, he narrated that his life took a different turn the moment he accepted himself and decided to be an inspiration to many.

Brayo never forgets to credit his mother who he says has been a pillar to him. He further urged all parents not to be toxic to their children but to be kind and loving to avoid nurturing the wrong seed in them.

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Sammy’s Education Life

In an interview with Churchill Live, the mother explained about his education. She asserted that Brayo did not go to a special school but studied in a normal school just like any other child.

At the time of the interview, Brayo had completed his high school education and was enrolled in college where he was perusing mass communication.

Despite the challenges that surrounded his birth, whereby the doctors took two days before they could hand over the child to her since they never wanted to disclose his condition.

However, after the mother and sister to her mom arrived, she was informed of his condition in their presence which they were unable to explain. The doctors further admonished her to ask God to help her in taking care of him.

Brayo’s story is an epical inspiration to many. His life poses a challenge to all who would want to bring out the best from the worst situation.

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Sammy Brayo showcasing his unique talent during the KDF celebration event. Photo/Tuya x
Sammy Brayo showcasing his unique talent during the KDF celebration event. Photo/Tuya x

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Fred Ongera

I am a passionate digital media journalist with a keen eye to emerging trends and having deep understanding of digital platforms. I have specialized in creating compelling stories on diverse topics. I am determined to constantly inform the public on emerging events as they happen. My enthusiasm for the evolving digital media landscape drives me to explore new media formats and techniques making me a dynamic voice in journalism.

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