An Ongata Rongai landlady Martha Wanjiru has waived January rent for her tenants as a gift for the new year.
In a video with her daughter Njeri, the landlady announced that tenants could take the break to focus on taking care of other pressing bills.
She also encouraged them to spend the money on school fees for children who are going back to school.
“To all my Kenyan tenants, Happy New Year 2025, may it be filled with blessings and as you celebrate January in this New Year, there is no rent payment. So, celebrate to the fullest, take your children back to school,” she said.
“The rent money that you would have paid, spend it on your kids, if you don’t have them spend it on your family, webless you with that money. Thank you for being wonderful tenants and we wish you all the best.”
This act of kindness, she noted, had become a yearly tradition for her tenants.
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Who is the Rongai LandladyÂ
The mother of one is an investor, a landlady and a former customer service supervisor with an international airline.
She resides in Germany with her caucasian husband and daughter. In an earlier interview, she said that she saved up and bought land in 2018.Â
Further, she said that she worked and saved money while abroad. She then invested it back home in Kenya by buying land and building 15 rental units. apartments.
Wanjiru gained attention in December 2022 when she made headlines for waiving rent for the tenants in her apartment.
She hosted a small gathering for her tenants, where they shared a meal, connected with one another, and enjoyed watching the World Cup final together.
Despite her generosity, Wanjiru’s journey has been far from easy. She faced a challenging upbringing, having been disowned by her family at 17.
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Difficult Childhood and Upbringing
The entrepreneur lived in the streets after being disowned by her parents and turned to selling cockroach insecticides to try and make ends meet.
During that time, she was in close contact with her brother who would visit her frequently and give her money for shopping and personal use.
However, Wanjiru eventually moved to Kayole, where she encountered a preacher who extended a helping hand.
After spending some time in Kayole, she relocated to Mombasa, following a friend’s promise to assist her in finding a job as a waitress.
She worked as a waitress for some time before transitioning to a role as a barmaid, striving to improve her life and provide a better future for her child.
During her time in Mombasa, she met her future husband, who was moved by her story and offered his support.
With the support of her then boyfriend, Wanjiru returned to Nairobi and enrolled in German lessons at the Goethe Institute.
While in Nairobi, she ventured into business by producing and selling yoghurt to schools.
After completing her German language course, Wanjiru reconnected with her family before relocating to Germany.
There, she pursued an aviation career but now works alongside her husband in the insurance industry.
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