Rongai Landlady Waives January Rent for All Tenants
An Ongata Rongai landlady Martha Wanjiru has waived January rent for her tenants as a gift for the new year. ...
An Ongata Rongai landlady Martha Wanjiru has waived January rent for her tenants as a gift for the new year. ...
A Grade 6 pupil, Peace Nasimiyu at Prime Junior School in Ongata Rongai is recuperating after surviving a harrowing incident ...
Several witnesses have volunteered information over the last moments before a fatal shooting incident implicating a Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) ...
A man has surfaced claiming to be the biological father of Kennedy Onyango, a 12-year-old boy who died after being ...
At least six people have been killed in a road accident involving a bus operating under Naboka Sacco which plunged ...
Police officers in Ongata Rongai have raided a church selling bhang to its congregants arresting some members as others fled ...